mobile health marketing

By  Jonah Comstock 09:21 am August 3, 2015
The next big step for WebMD will be to start to move WebMD and Medscape content beyond their home websites and out onto social media sites, CEO David Schlanger said in the company's Q2 earnings call. "In the digital ecosystem it's become clear that people are using social platforms as means to do more than just connect with their friends and family, but really as destinations to find information...
By  Brian Dolan 08:55 am May 14, 2015
During Everyday Health's first quarter earnings call this week, CEO and Co-founder Ben Wolin pointed to strong growth in mobile marketing revenues for the health media company. Everyday posted a $8.1 million loss on total Q1 revenue of $41.2 million, which is up 10 percent over Q1 2014. Mobile revenues grew 35 percent year-over-year, according to the company, and accounted for 38 percent of...
By  Brian Dolan 02:45 am May 14, 2013
For many years there has been a common refrain for mobile health app discovery: There's no Consumer Reports for health apps. With tens of thousands of health-related smartphone apps, dozens of direct-to-consumer wearable health sensors now available, and various other websites and services -- how is the increasingly health-conscious consumer to choose? Or, perhaps, if you believe that digital...
By  Neil Versel 03:23 pm January 25, 2012
The Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) is recommending that developers of mobile applications be as transparent as possible with their privacy and security policies to cut down on ambiguity and engender consumer trust. In a guidance document released Wednesday, the trade group outlines best practices for creating privacy policies and offers sample language that software companies can adopt and...
By  Brian Dolan 07:31 am January 5, 2012
Healthline Networks inked a deal with to become the exclusive provider of direct to consumer advertising for the popular site, which counted about 19.4 million unique visitors in the month of October. provides "free, independent, peer-reviewed, objective and up-to-date drug information" to both consumers and medical professionals. The deal is for consumer marketing on both the...
By  Brian Dolan 08:01 am July 2, 2010
Mobile marketing for healthcare not a strong opportunity yet: Pixels & Pills has a short and sweet interview with Manhattan Research's Monique Levy that is well worth a read: "The opportunity for healthcare marketers to leverage mobile marketing for patients in this time frame is comparatively less strong. As with PC-based access, patients predominantly use mobile devices to look for health...