telehealth regulations

By  Brian Dolan 08:28 am May 4, 2015
This week the American Telemedicine Association's annual event is taking place in Los Angeles and apart from the important pair of policy-focused reports the ATA published (more on that below), the other news coming out of the event so far is that American Well has expanded its scope and is now working to convince physicians to use its platform to connect with their existing patients. While...
By  Brian Dolan 06:00 am October 15, 2013
Last week Boston-based American Well made its telehealth service available as a direct-to-consumer offering. Now anyone with a camera-equipped smartphone, tablet, or computer can conduct a video visit with a physician for $49 -- assuming you live in a state that doesn't prohibit it. That means those in Texas, Louisiana, Alaska, Alabama and Oklahoma will have to wait until their state's...