During its third quarter conference call this week, WebMD announced that its Medscape Mobile iPhone application, which it launched in July, has already been downloaded more than 200,000 times. Medscape Mobile is an app the company created for physicians, but WebMD said the total number of downloads for its consumer iPhone apps now tops 1 million downloads -- and its first consumer iPhone app was launched less than a year ago.
"We’re also investing into markets for the future as we see the market going more mobile and more global," WebMD President and CEO Wayne Gattinella said during the call. "Our WebMD mobile health applications for consumers was launched on the iPhone less than a year ago, and they have already generated over 1 million downloads, consistently ranking at the top of the app store for health applications."
"Medscape Mobile which is our first Mobile application for physicians continues to rank at the top of the app store for medical applications with now over 200,000 downloads since launching on the iPhones only this past July," Gattinella said. "Further development is already underway to launch new products enhancements on Medscape Mobile including delivering on new platforms such as the Blackberry later this year."
For more, read this transcript of the call from Seeking Alpha